A Level Mock Exams: Master your Politics Mocks

With A Level Mock Exams fast approaching, it’s time to start preparing to sit your politics papers. While the running of the exams varies by school, it is likely that you will sit a full set of A Level Politics exams. It’s therefore important to preparing yourself through revising course content and exam technique.

In this post, we’ll look at the best way to prepare for your Politics A Level mock exams.

Preparing for Politics A Level Mock Exams: content revision

The first thing to do when preparing for A Level Mock Exams is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. You should compare what you know and are comfortable answering a question on to the specification. You can find the A Level Politics specifications on your exam board website.

Alternatively, finding some revision checklists will allow you to quickly identify areas of strength and weakness within your studies. Study Politics has written a range of revision checklists for A Level Politics within our ‘Revision Tools’ resources, which you can download here.

Once you’ve identified areas that need strengthening, it’s time to revise the content. Using your textbook is great for this, but get quick and up to date knowledge with our course notes and case studies, divided by topic and kept regularly up to date with examples.

It’s also a great idea to get a revision timetable in place. The best way to do this is using the app ‘Adapt’, which organises your revision sessions for you. Download the Adapt app here.

Master your exam technique

Around 66% of your marks in A Level Politics come from exam technique rather than content knowledge. That means you need to be able to master your answers in order to unlock the top grades. Knowing how you do this can be tricky, but Study Politics is here to help.

Model Essays are a great way to see what an A* essay looks like, and how you can apply those techniques to your A Level Mock Exams. You can access model essays by becoming a Study Politics member.

Once you’ve found out how to write the perfect essay, you need to get practicing. Past papers are available to download, but there aren’t a wide range available currently. Luckily, practice papers help you to get to grips with exam technique and practice writing your answers. Find out more about practice papers here.

Last minute help

If you need some last-minute advice and help on content revision or exam technique, it might be a good idea to hire a tutor to help give you 1-to-1 advice on how to answer an essay question or go over a topic you may be unsure of.

The important thing to remember about A Level mock exams is that they are a practice run. Make sure you don’t panic, and you try your best to ensure you are as best prepared for your summer exams as you can be. Keep a healthy routine, keep up to date with your revision timetable, and use your teachers’ feedback to your advantage!

If you need any additional help or advice regarding your Politics A Level mock exams, Study Politics is here to help. You can contact us online, and we’ll get back to you if you have any queries!

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A Level Mock Exams

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