How to prepare for Results Day

Results Day this year is on Thursday 17th August 2023. Thousands of students across the country will receive their A-Level grades and university places will be confirmed.

It’s been a tricky year for all students, so getting to this stage is such an achievement. Well done to you all!

How will I get my results on Results Day?

This depends on your school or college, so check with them. It’s likely that, due to coronavirus restrictions, you might not be able to go into your school or college to pick up your grade on results day. Your results might be published on an online portal the morning of results day if your school or college has one.

It’s important to note that you will receive your teacher assessed grades this year, as exams were cancelled earlier in the year. You won’t receive any exam marks.

What happens if I meet my university grade requirements?

First things first, make sure you have your UCAS Track login details to hand.

You can find out more about how results day works for UCAS by clicking here. When you log into UCAS, you should see a confirmation message from your first choice university. Accept this to confirm your place and then you should receive confirmation from your university.

If you exceed your university offer, you might be interested in applying for a course with higher requirements. UCAS Adjustment is the place to find out more about this.

What happens if I don’t meet my university grade requirements?

The first thing you should do is to speak to someone at your college or school. They will have information on hand about the best choice for you to navigate your career path, potentially with alternative avenues.

You should also look at some options through UCAS Clearing, where universities post availability for courses that haven’t been filled by current applicants. Clearing is usually very busy on results day, so expect to wait for a while on phone to some universities.

You might also consider the next years’ exams, where you can sit a full set of A Level Politics exams and look to work for a higher grade. Speak to your teachers on results day to see if this would be beneficial for you.

What else should I do on results day?

There may be some group chats for your university course on platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp. Join these to get to know the people on your course.

If you’re not going to university, make sure your college or employer knows your results and look to confirm your placement.

Finally, it’s time to relax! Celebrate your results and the end of your A Levels and look forward to the fresh start of university or apprenticeships.

Study Politics is always here to answer any questions you may have about results day. You can get in touch with us by email or social media.

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Results Day

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